5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Stick To


Do you often have trouble keeping your 5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions regarding health and fitness? It can be tough to stick to these commitments, especially if you suffer from back pain. This year, you can take control of your health with accessible changes, such as starting a home yoga practice to build strength and flexibility. Products from Bad Back Remedy can make it easier to achieve your resolutions! Here are a few suggestions for simple resolutions that can improve your life.

Start a Daily Yoga Routine

You don’t need to sign up for yoga classes to start a yoga practice - instead, you can follow along with online classes from home. If you’ve been living with back pain, yoga can provide some welcome relief by helping you extend your range of motion. It’s important to start slowly because pushing yourself too far into difficult poses can exacerbate your pain. Instead, focus on gentle sequences and move at your own pace. You’ll be able to release any tension in your muscles.


5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Stick To

Improve Your Posture

Yoga will naturally help to improve your posture over time. But if you’d like to stand up a little straighter this year, what else can you do? Cleveland Clinic recommends using a lumbar roll or even a small, rolled-up towel to support your back when sitting down. This will help you pull your shoulders back and keep your back straight.


5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Stick To

Move More Often

If you struggle with back pain, you might find it difficult to stay active. But through a practice like yoga, you can gradually, build a strong core, improve posture and enhance flexibility, which will help counteract the effects of sitting for long periods of time. You can live a more active lifestyle without long sessions at the gym - all you need to do is find ways to move more often! Core Life Eatery recommends going for daily walks and parking farther away from the store when you’re out running errands. If you’re faced with a choice between the stairs and the elevator, take the stairs! Adopting this mindset will help you make decisions that keep you moving, and over time, your fitness levels will improve even without intensive workouts.

5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Stick To

Eat Whole Foods

By choosing whole foods over processed foods, you’ll naturally start eating a healthier diet. But what if you’re worried about the amount of time you’d have to spend preparing home-cooked meals? Meal prepping can save you lots of time in the kitchen so that you’re not reaching for frozen foods on busy days. You can also snack on foods that don’t require preparation, like fruit, nuts, or crackers with peanut butter.

5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Stick To

Use Helpful Technology

If you’re aiming to make healthy lifestyle changes, you can use helpful technology to stay on track. For example, if you want to eat a more nutritious diet, you can use an app to track your meals. And if you’re trying to do yoga more often, using a smartwatch can help you stay dedicated to your fitness routine. You can use a smartwatch to keep an eye on your vitals and your progress towards your health goals. If your kids have fitness goals of their own, they can also use kid-friendly smartwatches! There are lots of smartwatches geared towards younger users that enable convenient parental controls and include features like a GPS and the ability to add a medical ID. You’ll be able to celebrate your progress as a family!


5 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Stick To

This year, you do not have to give up on your resolutions. Instead, you can focus on goals that are well within your reach. By implementing strategies that will make it easier for you to achieve your resolutions, you’ll feel very accomplished by the end of the year! Ready to banish back pain? Turn to Bad Back Remedy for help! Shop our online store for supplements, lumbar supports, and more.


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