Benefits of Pigeon Pose
The Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana), is a stretch utilized in many yoga classes to open the hips. It can benefit more than just the avid yogi. Everybody from the inactive office worker to the very active athlete can take advantage of including the pigeon stretch into their everyday lives.
Many people bring unwanted stress to their hip area without realising. Numerous jobs need sitting all day, which keeps your hips from the motions (flexion, extension, rotation) they need to remain nimble.
Pigeon position is the best posture to release tension and keep hip flexibility since it stretches both the hip rotators (buttocks) and the hip flexors (the muscles that run along the front thighs and pelvis). External rotation of the front leg along with internal rotation of the back leg are required, making this a multi-muscle hip stretch.
Pigeon pose helps to elongate the back, open the hips, groin and hamstrings, can relieve pressure on the lower back and decrease signs of sciatica. The hips are imperative for proper functioning of the body and can impact posture, alignment and total flexibility, all of which are improved when the hips are flexible and loose. Open hips can also launch unwanted negative energy and sensations from your system as tension, anxiety and stress are often saved there.
Pigeon position is critical to professional athletes for their total health, speed and dexterity. Stress in the hips is typically moved to the knees, which can affect a professional athlete's capability. Open hips lead to less knee stress which indicates a greater range of movement. This is particularly advantageous to basketball, tennis or football players like myself, who do a great deal of pivoting.
Versatile hips can likewise minimize the threat of an anterior cruciate ligament injury. Open hips enable full series of motion in the back, reducing lower back strains. Runners can take advantage of pigeon position, as open hips can lead to much better technique while running and minimize the threat of injury.
When done correctly, pigeon pose can promote the internal organs, extend the deep glutes, extend the groin and the posts, eliminate impinged piriformis, alleviate sciatic discomfort and help with urinary disorders. There are a few instances when pigeon position need to be prevented, including sacroiliac or back injury, ankle injury, particular knee injuries and extreme tightness in the hips.

See the guidelines for pigeon pose listed below to get started. , if you have any questions feel totally free to ask!!!
1- Start either in a down-facing canine or on all fours.
2- Slide the best knee forward towards your right hand, with the knee at an angle
3- Move your left leg back as far as your hips will allow. Your right ankle will be angled into your left groin.
4- Keep your hips square to the floor to keep your back safe, and open your hips to their max capability.
5- You can either stay upright in this position supporting yourself with your hands or start to fold the upper body, resting your head on your hands, yoga or a pillow block.
6- To get a full release of the hips, breathe deeply and release the belly.
7- You can remain in this position from 10 breaths to 5 minutes.
8- To advance this position if you are not feeling a stretch in the right buttocks area, gradually inch your best foot towards your left hand until you start to feel a good stretch, always keeping your hips squared to the floor.
Check out this video to nail the Pigeon!!
Good luck with your stretching!!